February 21, 2024

Conservative Representatives demand McNulty Not Receive Civil Service Protections

Members of Congress led by Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia sent a letter on Wednesday demanding that Claire Trickler-McNulty not be granted civil service protections. “Ms. Trickler-McNulty has stated previously that she used her prior civil service position as a…
Yitz Friedman
October 20, 2023

AAF letter demands full investigation into Claire Trickler-McNulty

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today the American Accountability Foundation is writing to Joseph V. Cuffari, Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, requesting an investigation into Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s (ICE’s) Assistant Director at the Office of Immigration Program Evaluation,…
Yitz Friedman
September 13, 2023

McNulty is leading the charge to move ICE from law enforcement to a social services agency

During McNulty’s tenure at ICE, the agency has become more like a social services agency for illegal immigrants instead of one that upholds the law and protects our nation’s borders. During her tenure at ICE under the Biden Administration, the…
Yitz Friedman
September 13, 2023

McNulty was the top legal staffer in open borders group that took millions from anti-ICE orgs

Claire Trickler-McNulty ran the legal shop of an open borders advocacy group in Seattle for close to two years before coming back to DHS [1]. McNulty worked for Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), which helps illegal migrant children fight…
Yitz Friedman
August 17, 2023

McNulty stayed at DHS During the Trump Admin to Thwart Border Enforcement

Claire Trickler-McNulty has admitted publicly that she stayed at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during the Trump administration solely to thwart policies that would have had significant impact in securing the southern border.[1]  Now we have a crisis of…
Yitz Friedman
August 17, 2023

She signed off on huge no-bid contract to unqualified vendor who botched contract

At ICE, Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, the noted open border profiteer, was Claire Trickler-McNulty’s boss until he left the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2019. Since then, she has worked closely with Lorenzen-Strait on contract opportunities for his new employer.[1] Lorenzen-Strait worked…
Yitz Friedman
August 17, 2023

McNulty failed to justify $86,000,000 government contract to former boss with political connections

According to a scathing report from the DHS Inspector General, ICE did not adequately justify the McNulty-awarded Endeavors no-bid contract to house migrant families, wasting $86 million on unused hotel space in 2021. Further, Endeavors did not follow required ICE…
Yitz Friedman