AAF letter demands full investigation into Claire Trickler-McNulty


Today the American Accountability Foundation is writing to Joseph V. Cuffari, Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, requesting an investigation into Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s (ICE’s) Assistant Director at the Office of Immigration Program Evaluation, Claire Trickler-McNulty, for her role in the approval of a $86 million no-bid contract ICE entered with a firm where her former boss at ICE was Senior Director for Migrant Services and Federal Affairs.

A previous IG report has already found that the contract was a total catastrophe, resulting in millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted, and in August, Project Veritas released a video of McNulty’s former boss turned lobbyist, Andrew Lorenzen-Strait of Family Endeavors, Inc., in which he said that the contract was a “corrupt bargain.”

“The stench of corruption at ICE allows for former employees to border profiteer,” said AAF president Tom Jones. “We urge the Inspector General to determine who signed off on the contract so the American people can be reassured that their money isn’t being wastedby Biden bureaucrats. ICE has one of the most important missions in the federal government, dealing with criminals and illegal immigrants daily. Allowing ICE to become a piggy bank for border profiteers is a threat to the safety of all Americans.”